We finally are heading towards the end of the semester. Although it can be a relief, it also is a time where there is the most work. I thankfully do not have finals this semester but I have multiple huge projects and the final presentation to work on. I am thankful for the projects since my moving situation took what I felt like the entire semester. I told Josh I will most likely finish the Batmon website before the summer ends, but I ran out of time to actually perform an experiment on the old Batmon website and the new Batmon website. I have so much information I found for the alternative method which I ended up switching to observation because there were a couple studies that already did what I wanted to do, which was they improved a website using search engine optimization and had a survey for a group of people to rate the website and also measured the number of visitors, duration of the time on the new website versus the old website. This particular study is the main focus of my research and I plan to make it the focus of my presentation.
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Crucial Landing Page
In my internet/web development class and also through the research I have been doing for my project I have learned that a website landing page makes or breaks a situation. Also, in my e-commerce class we have been learning about different aspects of a website and an actual company, ora brush, had tripled its conversion rate because of its outstanding landing page. I decided to look at their landing page and saw why, it has great categories, a straightforward page with a logo, a classic hamburger menu on the left, and great product photography. I already have the logo, menu I just am stuck on the images but the structure is well on its way.
So, I have been learning in multiple classes the importance of an awesome learning page. With that, I have been searching for the perfect images that are free within the Wix platform to include on the website. We do not have many images to work with other than the Batman Logo and a few screenshots of the levels. Although it is not a problem an awesome website can be made with free images from Wix, I have seen it done before.
Information from: https://www.prioritytextbook.com/e-commerce-2021-business-technology-and-society-16th-edition-kenneth-c-laudon-and-carol-guercio-traver/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwjN-SBhCkARIsACsrBz7Z837eBisXYLexnaVfyKJlpanJUhwRvaEAPs45EsYla2tuMMgl4uUaAsGEEALw_wcB
Orabrush image from: https://www.dentek.com
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Research Paper Rough Draft
While writing and planning my research rough draft, I found a couple extra articles which really drew my attention and had more important factors of website analytics. I found a new factor called the bounce rate. The bounce rate is basically how long it takes for an individual to leave the website for whatever reason. The major reasons that a website has a high bounce rate are because there is insufficient content meaning that the website could be too small, low-speed navigation, meaning the website's loading speed is slow, and insufficient security, meaning they do not trust the website. If there are any of these negative factors, the individuals will almost immediately leave the website. When these factors are addressed, the bounce rate decreases, and the percentage of the organic search engines increases.
Information and image from: doi:10.3390/bdcc4020005.
Last Two Weeks and End of STEM/TRAIN
We have finally reached the end of the semester. I loved seeing everyone's presentations; it is interesting to see our different intere...
This week started off bad; I went to the emergency room on Monday and was released that same night. What I have is not serious and the majo...
I know we are on spring break and it has been very relaxing but I started working on the setup of Batmon's website using Wix. Wix is a ...